Outlet Plates
Showing 31–38 of 38 results

Triax Single Blank Insert
Triax Single Blank Insert Single Blank White Module (25 x 50mm) Product: 304256

Triax Twin RCA Module
Triax RCA Module Twin RCA Module White (25 x 50mm) Product: 304278

Triax Triple RCA Module
Triax Triple RCA Module Triple RCA Module White (25 x 50mm) Product: 304290

Triax Twin Loudspeaker
Triax Twin Loudspeaker Module Twin Loudspeaker Module White (25 x 50mm) Product: 304280

Wolsey Non-Isolated TV Plate
Wolsey Non-Isolated TV Plate – PSO/1 Product: 167014 UHF/FM Non-isolated 1 Way

Wolsey Isolated TV Plate
Wolsey Isolated TV Plate – PO1U Product: 167001 VHF/UHF Isolated 1 Way IEC-Male 47…862 MHz <1.2 dB

Surface Coax Single Outlet
Surface Coax Single Outlet CA51 – Coax single surface outlet TV/FM Surface Coaxial Outlet Box Suitable for Coaxial aerial points in your household Can be used for TV, FM, UHF or DAB signals Ideal for most surface mounting applications Compact … Continued

Surface F Single Outlet
Surface F Single Outlet CA63 – Surface F socket outlet Surface mount low loss F connector single outlet Suitable for F connector points in your household Can be used for TV, FM, UHF or DAB signals Ideal for most surface … Continued